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The Truffle – the Glossary

  • Ascus - sack like cavity containing spores
  • Epigean Fungus - over ground mushroom
  • Hypha filament - mushroom cell
  • Hypogean Fungus - underground mushroom
  • Gleba - inner, pulpy and firmly fruit
  • Mycelium - group of cells constituting the vegetative part of the mushroom
  • Mychorriza - aggregation made by the junction of cells and vegetal root
  • Peridium - the superficial stratum of the fruit which protects from different bacteria and fungi
  • Radical Apex - root apexes
  • Symbiosis - association of two organisms from different species in which benefit both members
  • Spore - non sexual lower plants reproduction cell from which evolves a new plant
  • Sporocarp - fruit of the mushroom or truffle in the strict sense of the word