asd ISTRIA GOURMET - the official site | Maybe not everybody knows that ... | The ABCs of Truffles | Istrian Truffle | Culinary Experiences

Maybe not everybody knows that ...

False beliefs and authentic curiosities.

  • In the past some considered the truffle being the food of the witches, others that it was an animal specie, and others that it was a mineral; 
  • The truffle is not a tuberous, a potato neither (imagine!) a soil disease; it is a symbiotic mushroom; 
  • A typical taboo: rather than pigs (they say pigs are hard to train) for truffle hunt are used dogs;
  • The white truffle couldn’t be found all year round, but exclusively from September to January;
  • Truffles could be also hunted during the day. It isn’t true that it is reserved only to nighttime;
  • It is completely wrong preserving the white truffle in can full of rice: the rice dries it. So it has to be preserved in a can wrapped in a rag or in an absorbing paper;
  • The white truffle shouldn’t be kept for months: eat it at least within ten days;
  • The white truffle shouldn’t be frozen (it lost his characteristics), neither it should be conserved in oil (it ferments), or in the pickle (it lost his taste and aroma);
  • While preparing the truffle, one shouldn’t peel it, neither eat it entire, nor cut it in pieces, it shouldn’t be scrubbed, neither boiled ... it should simply be cut into thin slices;
  • If we were not clear enough, the white truffle is exclusively cut into thin slices;
  • Unfortunately (or fortunately) the white truffle is a spontaneous plant: there are no farming, neither could it grow in any kind of soil;
  • The white truffle doesn’t grow in symbiosis with any plant: rare have that privilege;
  • If someone offers you the truffle at a low price, be careful; if the price is high, you must know that in every myth there is a little bit of truth… and if the price is too high? Emotions have a price to pay!